III Всероссийский конкурс разработок учебных занятий «Современный урок с РЕД ОС»

The Smart Tomo Engine X-ray image reconstruction system and RED OS are compatible on the Baikal-M processor

30 сентября 2021

The developers of RED SOFT and Smart Engines confirmed the compatibility of the RED OS operating system and the Smart Tomo Engine system for reconstruction of X-ray tomography images. The tests were conducted on a computing platform with a Baikal-M processor manufactured by the Russian company Baikal Electronics. The results confirm the possibility to create a fully national software-hardware suite, which has sufficient performance to meet the challenges of computing tomography in industrial and medical sectors.

RED OS is a Russian Linux family operating system for servers and workstations which provides a universal environment for the use of application software. The product is certified by FSTEC of Russia (#4060 from 12.01.2019), which confirms its compliance with security requirements and allows its use in government information systems. RED OS is registered in the Unified Register of Russian Software and Databases of the Ministry of Communications of Russia (#3751).

Smart Tomo Engine is a domestic software package that performs three-dimensional tomographic reconstruction of objects of different nature based on a set of X-ray projections in real time. Smart Tomo Engine's use of unique reconstruction algorithms can significantly reduce computation time without increasing computing power.

Smart Engines scientists created the Hough Filtered Back Projection algorithm, which provides unprecedented speed of tomographic reconstructions. This algorithm, together with innovative Monitored Reconstruction technology, also developed by Smart Engines scientists, significantly reduces the radiation load by interrupting the acquisition of radiographs in real time as soon as their set is sufficient for reconstruction.

"Providing critical information infrastructure facilities, including medical institutions, with the necessary tools to operate on the basis of domestic information technology is a state priority. Together with its partners, RED SOFT offers suitable solutions. Another successful example is a product compatibility that proves it is possible to create a software-hardware suite for X-ray tomography, the Smart Tomo Engine, powered by the Baikal-M processor with the RED OS on board", Rustam Rustamov, RED SOFT CEO, said.

"The successful implementation of tomographic reconstruction using the Smart Tomo Engine software and the RED OS operating system on the Baikal-M architecture processor opens up new prospects for creating fast and safe tomographs based on Russian hardware and software. We are pleased that our cooperation with RED SOFT allows us to offer the Russian market a safe solution for reconstruction of X-ray images obtained during tomographic studies", - Vladimir Arlazarov, Ph.D., Smart Engines CEO, comments.

Company Summary:

Smart Engines is a research and development company specializing in the development of computer vision, machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms. The company's software products provide secure automatic document recognition and successfully solve the tasks of digital transformation in Russia and other countries around the world. These products are used by Beeline, MTS, MegaFon, Tinkoff Group, Alfa Bank, Gazprombank, DOM.RF Bank, MKB, Postal Bank, Rosbank, FPC Russian Railways, KUPIBILET, Alfa Insurance and others. Smart Engines is the backbone enterprise for the Department of Cognitive Technologies at MFTI.

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